The Democratic Party Nomination Circus
Did you witness the devolution of brains in the recent Democratic Party presidential nomination circus?
Ken Pealock
8/26/20249 min read

A recent article by Lex Greene writing in News With Views, writes that “Watching the cult-like “JOY” of mindless dopes rallying behind the most unfit and unqualified Presidential candidate in American history, can only be summed up as watching a fool’s parade.
“Sadly, I’m under no illusion that any mountain of facts can reach these fools now. They are doomed to doom themselves and everyone else, unless sane Americans vote them all down.
If Barack Obama, John Legend, Taylor Swift, or Oprah Winfrey told these voters to drink poison, the convention center would be filled with dead democrats before the end of the convention.
The morons gleefully cheered on the actor-candidates while ignoring the facts. Here are some of the facts Lex Green summarizes:
“Democrats are trying to “save democracy” – when in fact, it is democrats who stole a party nomination from Hillary Clinton in 2008, and Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders in 2020, and have now coronated Kamala Harris as the 2024 party candidate for President, without a single vote from any democrat voter.
Over 14-million democrat voters cast a ballot for Joe Biden, not Kamala Harris, and each was entirely disenfranchised by their own party. It doesn’t get more “undemocratic” than that!
Democrats are for “protecting your vote” – when in fact, it is democrats who have established multiple means of stealing elections, including fighting for the right of non citizens to vote and be counted the same as legal US Citizens.
Democrats are for Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness – when in fact, it’s democrats who are responsible for the murder of over 70-million innocent defenseless American babies in our country, and so demonically callused as to offer “abortions” at their Chicago Convention via mobile abortion buses.
Democrats are promising to “fix” all of the problems we face today – when in fact, they have caused every problem we face today, via their anti-American global Marxist policies.
Democrats are for minority groups – when in fact, it’s democrats who opposed freeing the slaves, formed the KKK, and voted against every Civil Rights Act passed by Republicans in the past 125 years.
Democrats are for protecting your Rights – when in fact, it has been democrats who have attacked everything in the Bill of Rights for the past hundred years.
Democrats are trying to “save democracy” – when in fact, it is democrats who stole a party nomination from Hillary Clinton in 2008, and Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders in 2020, and have now coronated Kamala Harris as the 2024 party candidate for President, without a single vote from any democrat voter.
Over 14-million democrat voters cast a ballot for Joe Biden, not Kamala Harris, and each was entirely disenfranchised by their own party. It doesn’t get more “undemocratic” than that!
Democrats are for “protecting your vote” – when in fact, it is democrats who have established multiple means of stealing elections, including fighting for the right of non-citizens to vote and be counted the same as legal US Citizens.
Democrats are for Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness – when in fact, it’s democrats who are responsible for the murder of over 70-million innocent defenseless American babies in our country, and so demonically callused as to offer “abortions” at their Chicago Convention via mobile abortion buses.
Democrats are promising to “fix” all of the problems we face today – when in fact, they have caused every problem we face today, via their anti-American global Marxist policies.”
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The complete article by Lex Greene is reprinted here:
The Entire Democrat Party is Built on Lies
By Lex Greene |August 24th, 2024
The made-for-TV con-job masquerading as a party convention may be the final straw that breaks the back of the Democratic Party for the next hundred years. For at least the past seventy-years, the party has been built upon two failing ideas that have left the party painted into a corner they may not be able to escape in the 2024 elections.
Pandering to all warring minority voter factions
Using blatant lies to do it
For the first time in American history, past democrat loyalists are outside the convention walls protesting their own party and politicians inside the building, by the thousands. Ever since Obama 2008, terrorizing democrat groups like BLM and ANTIFA have been protesting Republican events, burning and looting cities across the country in support of their Marxist “squad” in a failed attempt to scare and silence pro-America voters.
But now, those same groups are outside the Chicago convention…protesting their own.
The “citizen army” Obama built, BLM and ANTIFA, organized, and mobilized via “free Obama phones,” is turning on the people who created them, democrats. This is happening for two reasons…
Seventy-years of the same old tired lies are becoming very obvious to even democrat voters now, as the party elites are reading the same old party lies from teleprompters and last night, it just so happens that every made-for-TV party “headliner” from Obama and Clinton to Oprah and Legend, is listed in the Epstein pedophile Island files. That’s why they fear Trump, who is NOT on that list.
Pandering to competing factions has left the party walking a tightrope in an effort to continue pandering to their voters, when their voters are not at all united on the issues at hand. They are just manipulated by con artists in control of the party, and they can now see what has been going on for decades. The DNC hasn’t been a “blue collar party” in many years. It’s the party of global Marxist billionaires now.
As the DNC convention winds down, I think what we will see is this event will have driven even more voters to Trump. Democrats have simply run out of room in the corner they have painted themselves into, policy wise, politically. They have built their party pandering to both Islam and Jews, Gaza and Israel. They pander to the black community, but falsely claim their candidate is “black” who chose one of the whitest male Nazis in America as her running mate. A man who brought Martial Law to Minnesota and ordered police to fire on citizens at their own homes during the COVID scamdemic.
The well-known female Nazi Governor Whitmer of Michigan was a Vice-Chair of the Biden Campaign one day, and Vice-Chair of the Harris campaign the next. The party that has all but eliminated the female gender, wants women to vote for the “female” in the race, just because she’s a female. She wants all “black” people (a racist effort) to vote for her because she’s “black,” when in reality, she’s Jamaican-Indian. Voting for someone strictly on ethnicity is the same as refusing to vote for someone strictly on the basis of ethnicity, it’s “racist.”
It’s truly amazing to watch stooges who claim to be “anti-fascist” support blatant tyrannical Nazis in 2024.
Harris has already been in office for almost four of the worst years in American history, with everything getting worse every day. But she wants you to vote for her to fix everything democrats have broken since 2009. Look no further than every democrat-controlled city in the country to see exactly how democrat leadership destroys everyone and everything.
In case you haven’t been paying attention, again this week, the federal government reported that 818,000 American jobs “vanished” just last month. 818,000 fewer jobs than what Biden and Harris told you they “created” last month. Month after month, the Biden and Harris job reports have been false, later “adjusted” when the actual hard numbers come in, and always adjusted downward from the lies Biden and Harris told a month earlier.
Just as important, any jobs they have created in the past four years were either government jobs, or government funded jobs, meaning, each at additional taxpayer expense! Meanwhile, private sector jobs are in steady decline with once golden businesses closing up shop across the country, unable to remain in business due to Biden and Harris policies.
A Century of Outright Lies
Democrats are for minority groups – when in fact, it’s democrats who opposed freeing the slaves, formed the KKK, and voted against every Civil Rights Act passed by Republicans in the past 125 years.
Democrats are for protecting your Rights – when in fact, it has been democrats who have attacked everything in the Bill of Rights for the past hundred years.
Democrats are trying to “save democracy” – when in fact, it is democrats who stole a party nomination from Hillary Clinton in 2008, and Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders in 2020, and have now coronated Kamala Harris as the 2024 party candidate for President, without a single vote from any democrat voter. Over 14-million democrat voters cast a ballot for Joe Biden, not Kamala Harris, and each was entirely disenfranchised by their own party. It doesn’t get more “undemocratic” than that!
Democrats are for “protecting your vote” – when in fact, it is democrats who have established multiple means of stealing elections, including fighting for the right of non-citizens to vote and be counted the same as legal US Citizens.
Democrats are for Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness – when in fact, it’s democrats who are responsible for the murder of over 70-million innocent defenseless American babies in our country, and so demonically callused as to offer “abortions” at their Chicago Convention via mobile abortion buses.
Democrats are promising to “fix” all of the problems we face today – when in fact, they have caused every problem we face today, via their anti-American global Marxist policies.
This list could go on for pages, but those who refuse to see reality, will not see it, no matter how many pages of facts I present.
Watching the cult-like “JOY” of mindless dopes rallying behind the most unfit and unqualified Presidential candidate in American history, can only be summed up as watching a fool’s parade. Sadly, I’m under no illusion that any mountain of facts can reach these fools now. They are doomed to doom themselves and everyone else, unless sane Americans put them all down.
If Barack Obama, John Legend, Taylor Swift, or Oprah Winfrey told these voters to drink poison, the convention center would be filled with dead democrats before the end of the convention.
Interesting set of Coincidences
From July 9-11, 2024, Biden, Harris and their democrat party cohorts hosted their global Marxist military partner NATO for a 75th Anniversary summit held here in the USA. All current members of NATO support the Klaus Schwab WEF Commie Global reset underway around the world, and here in the USA.
Two days later, on July 13, 2024, there was a highly coordinated assassination attempt against Republican Presidential “democratically nominated” candidate Donald J. Trump. The last time there was an attempt on a President’s life was Republican Ronald Reagan, on March 30, 1981, over 43 years ago.
Eight days later, on July 21, 2024, the democratically nominated 2024 DNC Presidential nominee, Joe Biden, was forced to withdraw from the race by party elites, in yet another blatant example of totally undemocratic activity from the party.
Three days later, on July 24, 2024, VP Kamala Harris is named by party elites, the new DNC Presidential nominee for 2024, without a single vote from anyone, other than a very small number of Marxist party comrades.
Then, DNC donors for Biden were robbed of their donations as party elites stole the Biden campaign fund and put it behind their unelected Presidential nominee. When money is raised under one pretense, and then used for another pretense, it’s “fraud.”
In other words, a democrat party led coup took place in just 15-days, from July 9 to July 24. The entire global and U.S. fake news media has been totally on-board, immediately referring to the unnominated Harris as the party nominee.
In the end, all liars will be ensnared by their lies, including voters and social media propagandists.
Watching the DNC Convention reminded me of the sinking of the Titanic. After hitting the iceberg, the ship’s Captain ordered the band to keep playing, so that the joyful passengers could continue dancing without knowing they would soon die.
Likewise, today’s blind dumbed-down democrat voters actually believe that the people they are supporting will “save democracy,” while the same people are openly committing the most undemocratic acts in the history of this once great country.
Like it or not, believe me or not, everyone will very soon see that the 2024 elections are a winner take all battle for the future of this country. In winner take all battles, little to nothing is ever left to chance or coincidence.
According to media reports, Robert Kennedy Jr. is about to withdraw as an independent candidate after democrats spent millions to deny him ballot access in the democrat-controlled swing states. Some speculate that he will endorse Trump and join him on the campaign trail, which makes sense after democrats have done everything they can to deny Americans the right to vote for him. How “undemocratic” of the democrats, right?
Real working Americans have had enough of this garbage. Only government handout dependents and fools still believe anything a democrat or fake news network says. We don’t believe your polls, your lies, or your threats.
If you think you have what it takes to take our country down, get busy. Bring it!
We are resigned to the reality that some of you will only learn the hard way! So, let’s get this party for freedom and liberty underway. The sooner we begin, the sooner we can finish.
© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved. Reprinted with permission.